cross du 07 avril 2017 dans les jardins de l'ambassade de France à Yaoundé
C’est sous un ciel bleu et largement ensoleillé que le cross du lycée Fustel de Coulanges a eu lieu vendredi 07 Avril 2017.
Tournoi d’échecs du lycée (et de l’école) Fustel de Coulanges
Le lycée (et l’école Fustel de Coulanges) a organisé un tournoi d’échecs l’après-midi du mercredi 5 avril 2017. Seize participants ont joué six parties, pour lesquelles chaque joueur disposait de 10 minutes en tout.
Sejour pédagogique à Grenade en Espagne du 1er au 10 Avril 2016
Once aupon a time, the greatest trip ever ! This year, a group of Spanish students from Seconde B and C went to Grenada in Spain from the first of April to the 10th. The purpose of that trip was to improve the language and know more about the culture of the language. We got in the flight of Thursday night March 31st to Friday April 1st. The atmosphere at the airport was pretty cool and kind of fun.
“Art and Life” Project
A Few weeks ago, the three Grade 10 students (Secondes) started a new and common sequence entitled “Art and life” in the English class.
April 21st - Fustel Seniors celebrate South African “Freedom Day
is the celebration of the South African first fully democratic presidential election. This national Day is celebrated on April 27th every year, since 1994. This year, thanks to our English teacher Ms. Ngnasoke, Fustel de Coulanges senior students celebrated this special Day in a very particular way.