2018 Fustel Cross
The Fourth edition of the Fustel Cross 2018, took place last Friday, January 26, at the garden of the French Embassy in Yaoundé under the watchful eyes of Ambassador Gilles Thibault. Children both primary and secondary drawn from Fustel de Coulanges school in the capital city participated massively in this year's edition characterized by various sporting activities.
Fustel Cross was organized as part of activities to mark the Golden jubilee of Lycée Fustel de Coulanges. With the help of the teachers and other sport instructors, the children, some of whom were visually impaired exercised their know-how in a mini cross country in an ideal environment acclaimed by parents and those invited specifically for this occasion. The participation of the visually impaires pupils and students guided by the teachers is a clear indication of inclusive education practiced in this establishment.

The competitors ran along-side the teachers or guiders to make sur that each athlete stays safe from wounds or any other accident that might occur.
Each class, depending on the level wore a distinct uniform to ensure a smooth event comprising of inter-class competitions. The competing pupils/students were classified under the maximum aerobic volume (MAV) and placed in several loops. loop one was made up of children between the age of 8 to 10 years, loop two (10-13 years) meanwhile group three was made up of children between 13 and 17 years.

Each group completed in the course comprising a distance of 750 metres with judges placed at strategic locations of course.
It should be noted that Fustel Cross competition and Lycée Fustel de Coulanges were named after Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges, a French historian who was born in Paris on the 18 March 1830 and died on September 12, 1889.

Source : Le Jour (By Amos Muang NSAH), photos ajoutées