Sejour pédagogique à Grenade en Espagne du 1er au 10 Avril 2016
Once aupon a time, the greatest trip ever ! This year, a group of Spanish students from Seconde B and C went to Grenada in Spain from the first of April to the 10th. The purpose of that trip was to improve the language and know more about the culture of the language. We got in the flight of Thursday night March 31st to Friday April 1st. The atmosphere at the airport was pretty cool and kind of fun. We all were excited with the idea of traveling altogether! Can you imagine? Traveling with all your friends and having a lot of fun! Anyway at the boarding time, we just wanted to jump into the plane, sleep and wake up in our host families.
We arrived in Casablanca at 11a.m. We took another plane to Malaga.The view was amazing! When we reached Malaga, it was around 3p.m. From there, we took the bus the school sent us and went to Grenada. In the bus, the atmosphere was funny because of the games, the chatting and all the laughters.
From the bus windows, we admired the beautiful landscape. Grenada is situated in Andalusia where the landscape is quite hilly.
We reached Grenada at 5 p.m and were welcomed by our host families.
During the week, we did a lot of things, we visited a lot of places such as the « Sacromonte », a hill with a lot of caves where Gitan people used to live back in the 8th century. On Wednesday, we visited the science Park . It was very interesting. We ate there at midday and then we went to a room where there were a lot of games and information about the world of science. Then, we went to another room, they displayed simulations of crashed planes and cars. In that room, there are also researchers watching seas and deserts movements. We saw a man in a wheel chair who was going up and down, left and round, simulating the gravity of the Space.
The greatest highlight of the trip was the amazing « Alhambra Palace ». That Palace was build during the reign of the Muslim Sultans and their wives back in the 8th century, these sultans reigned till the period of the 15th century. The « Alhambra Palace » is absolutely a beautiful place. Our guide was called, Angela, she was indeed an angelic guide, she is a school teacher. All the students had stars in their eyes while she took us through the palace, especially when we entered the first patio. It was huge and so beautiful. We all agreed that this palace is one of the best, most colourful and amazing place we had ever seen.
We are all very proud of that trip because, we learnt a lot of things about Spain, its culture, and especially about Grenada and the Muslim Reign in Andalusia. We enjoyed memorable fun times together as classmates. We are truly thankful to the teachers who gave their time and patience to give us such a wondeful experience.
We hope that the next batch of Spanish students on that trip will enjoy the benefits of such a unique and great priviledge.
Million thanks to Mrs. Eloundou, Mrs. Mbarga-Bindzi and Mr. Kwegang for that awesome experience.
For the Grenada class trip
Françoise Biloa, 2B.